Friday, November 9, 2018

"Who Wants More Kool-Aid?"

It turns out that mass delusion is not conducive to active shooter mental health. Who knew? This all makes perfect sense to those who aspire to ignorance while being conned by the same psychopaths as last times...

The principles of Shock Doctrine are quite straightforward - capitalize upon fear in order to control and direct a populace to act against their own interest. Which explains everything. Cashing in on mass delusion is human history's oldest "business".

The vicissitudes of the past two decades, especially 9/11 and the Financial Crisis have exacted a heavy mental toll on an aging populace. Now manifesting in the weekly mass shooting spectacle. What sets this era apart isn't just the lack of introspection from the frightened populace, but the studied ignorance of our leaders. We now have profoundly incurious leaders who are tasked with defending failed ideologies by asking the fewest questions possible. All-knowing, by knowing nothing. The same empty platitudes recycled endlessly. Brainwashing having fully supplanted critical thinking. All abided by fear.

It can come as no surprise that a fear-driven populace does not seek enlightenment. They are too busy believing in the impossible, by seeking the comforting consensus of like-minded dunces. Which means that throughout this past decade, the bubble of ignorance has by necessity become dumber and dumber. In order to "thwart" the ever-encroaching inconvenient reality. The corporate Disneyland is the perfect mechanism for creating this Matrix-like fantasy world. Endless diversions and packaged infotainment choices. Choose your own delusion. Social media is another mechanism to drive groupthink and mass conformity. Custom echo chambers all hermetically sealed off from reality. 

The complicity of the entire Economics community in overlooking the organized criminality of the past decade is what is truly egregious. Talk about asking no questions. They happily violated every fundamental rule of commonsense and basic Economics. In doing so, they have aided and abetted human history's largest mass delusion, without any comparison. And they did it without the slightest hesitation. Why? Because when 2008 blew up, they too were stricken by fear. Especially the fear that they would be exposed as Globalization's charlatans. So they saved that "revelation" for another day.

At this late juncture, Globalization is boxed in between rising nationalism, trade wars, imploding reflation, and interest rate hikes. It appears that "someone" forgot that this is all just an elaborate hoax.

They all drank the Kool-Aid.