Saturday, October 27, 2018

Margin Call For Bullshit

These idiots just got bilked by the same psychopaths as last time. An Idiocracy never learns. Go figure...

Like clockwork, orange, mass shootings are picking up again. Social Mood imploding. Unfortunately, there are not enough drugs to go around for what's coming next:

How much have these toys played into today's Borg-like Idiocracy?

The age of artificial intelligence is ending as badly as one might surmise from the name. 

Now that the casino is rolling over, Prechter's been spamming me lately to re-subscribe to Elliott Wave International. Why should I pay for something I get for free? I had to stop seeking validation for what I already know. Sadly, today's Idiocracy have done the exact opposite by choosing to seek affirmation from serial psychopaths. The ephemeral triumph of emotion over fact and reality.

As much as I "believe" in social mood, the reality is that where the Central Banks left off with liquidity, stock buybacks took over. To the tune of $1 trillion this year alone. Of course the rest of the world was unceremoniously "diverged" from that party last February. Having no liquidity in any direction.

What I'm trying to say is that social mood has been taken for a ride and dropped off in the middle of nowhere:

Pot stocks give us further confirmation of social mood

Look up to the chart above, look down to this one: 

Now of course, amid rising volumes and broken momentum, social mood is THE KEY factor, because untold amounts of margined assets are now stranded in no man's land. Stock buyback liquidity drip flows will be no match for mass exodus from the casino. And whereas in any normally functioning market buyers would lurk below, now only sellers lurk below in the form of stop losses. 

Speaking of which:

"Despite the recent stock market corrections, speculators have now raised their bullish bets in five out of the past six weeks"

The concept behind securitized assets is that *someone* always knows something ahead of everyone else. Which means that asset values "price in" ALL known information ahead of time. 

Including "fundamentals". So those waiting around for the fundamental narrative to change, by way of proving how smart they are, will find our that they are the last to know. And if that is smart, then have at it. 

Some people know when assets under management are going down versus up:

Other people know when the last gambler has been bilked.

In this cycle:

Stills others know when the economy is imploding

"No one told me this was ending"