Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Days Of Atonement

"Rome seeks its own glory, wars against other peoples to subjugate them, revels in material existence, lives off the work of slave labor, allows many to die of poverty and starvation, and promotes entertaining circuses and gladiator spectacle."

There is no difference any longer between someone living in America and anyone else living throughout the empire. All are indentured slaves to the global corporate empire. At its greatest extent, Rome controlled most of Europe and parts of Asia Minor. Sixty million persons.

In this globalized empire, 60 million is how many children die every decade of poverty.

I often wonder how our "holy men" allowed this to happen. Because there are no holy men.

We have a guest blogger this week:

Redemption is a central part of American mythology.

Yet another consumer choice. And not one that's been well chosen.