Thursday, February 8, 2018

"What Stocks Do I Buy In A Meltdown?"

Remember 2007 when the Fed raised interest rates 17 times in a row and imploded the housing market? That's what is happening now to stocks. The Fed is committed to raising rates until this all final implodes. That's their job.

Any questions?

As always, don't take my word for it:

"Stop whining, bitchez. Rates are going higher, until we break something, then we'll rachet back a bit. It's our patented formula, and it has never failed to implode stocks, bonds, housing, you name it"

The sheeple have been conned by car-salesmen-turned- investment advisors that a 100% all stock portfolio should be held through the entire economic cycle. No questions asked. Portfolio rebalancing need not apply. As we see with the Bitcoin HODLers, today's gamblers don't know when it's time to get out of the casino. That and the fact that zombies don't panic...

Closed at the lows of the week. Overnight gap 'n crap risk is a tad high...

First off, this is 2008, deja vu:

And 2014 deja vu

Shades of 2011

Much ado about 2015

Y2K. Been there, done that...




Any questions as to how many pieces will be scattered when humpty dumpty hits the floor?