Sunday, January 21, 2018

Smoking Crack Again

What we've learned from this era, is that nothing in the world impairs judgment like greed. The society of denialistic bullshit artists is blowing smoke up each others' asses on a scale never before seen in history...

I get why billunaires got excited about their tax cut, I just can't understand why everyone else in the entire world got stoned off their de facto interest rate hike...

For those looking to trade the melt-up, it's not hard to find it:

It started the minute the Senate passed the tax cut:

Things were a tad rocky in China internet land, up until the tax cut was passed:

Here we see a lot of the crack has already been imbibed, especially in crypto-land where $350 billion in market cap was recently vaporized...

I was recalling today a revenueless Biotech stock that a trader on Marketwatch used to hype all the time. When it spiked in mid 2015, a lot of traders gave him kudos for his prescient call. Of course that type of reach for junk marked the top of the 2015 bubble. So as it peaked and crashed, I wondered how many of those "followers" realized that he had cashed them in on the way up. 

Then I wondered if he had conned them all over again. Good on ya mate, you figured out how the "system" works:

I guess what I'm trying to say is watch what you're smoking, because dope dealers won't tell you when to stop...

Because that's how they make their living.