Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Reverse Fake Wealth Effect aka. "Shanghai Surprise"

The Fed, ECB, and PBOC are now all reducing monetary dopium flow. Because they want to tame the runaway fake wealth effect they set in motion...

Therefore, gamblers are left with the Ponzi wealth effect - bidding up their own assets at the end of the cycle, while pretending to be wealthy.

Alas, it doesn't work, the Chinese already tried it in 2015. I called it "Shanghai Surprise"

The fake wealth effect has rotated from Bitcoin, to Ethereum, and now Ripple:

"With XRP hitting a high of $3.84 on Thursday, Larsen's holdings are worth about $59.9 billion"

And it only took three weeks of "work", conning morons...

A routine tag back to the 50 dma wipes out a cool ~$320 billion

Back in the real casino, we know who is selling and who is buying...