Friday, January 26, 2018

The State Of The False Profit

This will forever be known as the era of rapacious exploitation...

This time they bought sold everything in the name of the false profit:

The Boomer generation just assumes that they can borrow unlimited amounts of money from future generations and the rest of the world. They will be shocked to learn that they can't. The Boomers spent their parent's (inherited) money, their own money, their children's future, and their grandchildren's future - on tax cuts for bailed out billionaires, and military blunders. They're the most rapacious generation in human history. They can't get monkey hammered soon enough. More theft is never enough for them...

There is no such thing as *free* money, but you can't tell them that...

The rest of the world is abandoning Trumpfuckistan:

This is not 1987. This is 1929.


"Debt is GDP"

"the Bull & Bear indicator has shown 11 previous sell signals since the firm started tracking it in 2002 and has been correct each time."

Federal Reserve Member Esther George:
"The aim of the Fed’s purchases over the past decade was to boost asset prices, and there could be a “symmetric reaction” once the assets roll off."