Monday, December 4, 2017

Trumptopia Is Ending. Shocking.

The reality TV Camelot consisting of incessant lying and circus spectacle is coming to an "unforeseeable" ending...

Trump just publicly admitted that he knew Flynn was lying all along. Of course, Flynn lied because there was nothing to hide. Fauxtards believe this serial lying bullshit...

Be that as it may, the fact that Flynn lied and Trump lies non-stop is hardly news. There's never been a president in U.S. history who told as many lies in a year as Trump tells in a day. Nevertheless, Trump's hardcore supporters need far more evidence of unprecedented corruption and incompetence so that's what they're going to get.

The scenario I outlined yesterday is indeed what has transpired - banzai rotation into junk leaving mega cap tech and all of momentum unbid...

FANG stocks have given back two months of gains:

Where the money is flowing...

There's only one toy left to play with...