Thursday, September 14, 2017

WARNING: Trumptopian Fraud In Progress

Trump's Kentucky Fried base is just now learning what the rest of the world has known all along - that Forrest Trump is a circus con man. But don't take my word for it, from the queen of dumbfuckistan herself:

However, what all sides have in common is the fact that they've bet everything on the clown and his circus...

"U.S. equities traded mostly lower on Thursday after strong inflation data raised the possibility of tighter monetary policy from the Federal Reserve."

You can con these fuckers any time and any way you want

A miniscule uptick in gasoline prices fed through to the CPI and re-ignited fake reflation delusions:

Because fraud is what they enjoy most. They can't live without it.


Raised on fraud, you get a taste for it