Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Big Long: New All Time Lies

The imaginary tax cut conned them all this time. Because the only way to avoid looking like an idiot was to be an idiot. And for Wall Street that was no obstacle to bonus accrual...

"No one told me when to pull my head out of my ass"

Across Wall Street faith in the jobless consumer is ubiquitous...

ZH: Bond 'Guru' Gundlach Warns Yields Have No Business Being Down Here

Along with bond yields and JPY carry, bank stocks have been leading this past week compliments of fake reflation.

All very bullish:

Now, left-for-dead retail stocks are rallying on news that Nordstrom is going back to being a private company...

It's called end of cycle short-covering ahead of collapse...

Sept. 11th, 2017
Goldman Sachs: The Jobless Consumer Is Stronger Than Ever

Remember all those stories this past year about McDonald's automating away minimum wage jobs to better serve the jobless consumer? Well, now those capital investments are about to experience negative ROI:

Bond 'guru':

"Bond yields have no business being down here"

If bond yields are low now, wait until hedge funds get margined out of Netflix to cover their Bitcoin losses...