Friday, September 8, 2017

Once Upon A Hardcore Idiocracy

Clowns don't know when their circus is ending...

Game show host president
Car salesmen congress
Clueless Central Banksters
Corporate owned media
Zombie society

"Class we will now turn to the section on hurricane-assisted GDP. Followed by a discussion on the optimal money printing to inflate Chinese tech stocks. The technical term is 'imagined reality'. Tomorrow we will discuss outsourcing the economy to maximize debt-subsidized revenues and reduce prices for jobless consumers, aka 'Free Trade'. Thursday it's Keynesian military blunders 101. And Friday it's bailout management for when it all crashes unexpectedly"

Recall 2014 Imagined Realities, via Zerohedge:
"There are times when an investor has no choice but to behave as though he believes in things that don't necessarily exist. For us, that means being willing to be long risk assets in the full knowledge of two things: that those assets may have no qualitative support; and second, that this is all going to end painfully...China is set to record its weakest growth in GDP in 25 years. Yet it seems to have entered a bull market and may be where we deploy much more of our risk capital next year. That's because the recent exuberant run up in onshore Chinese equities seems to me to amply demonstrate the power of imagined realities"


The stabilization of the Yuan is a function of EM fund flows:

EM Currencies with China Tech:

The news today is that China is shutting down its Bitcoin exchanges. Which was actually the news from Monday, however, some people wanted another week to throw money away at the top...

The chart of the week of course is this one:

"Hot money"

A 35 year view of the steadily debased dollar