Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Value Less Society. Literally.

Return on capital has come at the expense of the planet and the human race. Now that equation will be reversed. The fewer people who see it coming the better, we need maximum velocity when this Roman circus hits the pavement this time...

To paraphrase the Lost Boys: We can have a totally imbalanced economy funded by ponzi borrowing. We can outsource the entire industrial base to the Third World. We can print money to buy stocks. We can have 1% of the population owning more than everyone else. We can bailout the ultra-wealthy while letting them keep most of their money in the Caymans, and then give them a tax cut on the remainder. We can have government run by Goldman Sachs and Exxon. And we can blame Mexicans and Chinese for all of it...

But a living wage? Don't be asinine. So say the experts on Ponzi economics...

This sums up the Idiocracy in a nutshell. ZERO human values. A junk society. 

And by the way, for those who don't believe in any of the above Ponzi chicanery, of course there will be a living wage. And it will be inflationary by design.

Because that's how you get people out of debt after three decades of non-stop one-sided exploitation solely for the benefit of capital.  

Human history 101:
Never assume that someone else will continue to get fucked over for your own rentier-class benefit. Indefinitely. Everything in reality has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

And this is neither the beginning nor the middle, except for those with their heads up their own asses...in which case, as you were...