Currently celebrating deflationary burial...
...Not withstanding corruption rallies to bid up Goldman Sachs to new all time highs - after all, what would we expect of a society that bails out the company that bet against them? All while rolling back regulations meant to protect them, to where they were the last time they got bitch punked by psychopaths. In other words, it's how this has to end...
And typical of a society handing out soccer trophies to the losers, they're declaring victory in the face of abject defeat.
Here we see the U.S. 10 year yield, in 2008 versus now (red), with Financial stocks. Bank stocks have priced in about 15 fake-believe rate hikes...
The Canadian dollar shows oil where it will be sooner rather than later...
Agriculture prices near multi-decade low...
‘Over the past six months restaurant industry traffic growth has come to a standstill and quick service restaurants, which have been the traffic growth drivers, are now experiencing a slowdown in visits.’