Sunday, November 6, 2016

Robots Don't Go Shopping

Global deflationary collapse is what is actually happening in real-time, hence per Idiocratic logic it's the least expected scenario...

Google Trends inflation (red) versus deflation (blue):

What is the logical problem with this equation?

Where will government get the money to pay for a "universal income" if robots have all of the jobs? According to Mad Max dystopian fantasy, corporate profit will now become 100% of the pseudo-economy. Of course there will be no demand, but that's a minor detail.

Unfortunately a basic income won't pay for a $90,000 Tesla automobile, driven by robots. Something that even gamblers are starting to figure out...

Robots will drive all of the trucks, however unfortunately there won't be any on the road...

ZH: Nov. 5, 2016

"We've seen this before. No idea when..."

Because, shockingly, these fucking robots don't buy much of anything, really...

In other words, there WILL BE a universal basic income, right before there's universal hyperinflation. Because there will be no "demand" in the 'Conomy hence there will only be money printing amid widespread credit default:

"According to Musk, there really won't be any other options."

There's always the most likely and least considered option:

Fortunately, the Idiocracy always gives 'subtle' clues as to what they plan to do next. And reassurance that they have 0% clue that this is all ending...

I don't comment on gold since it's more of a religion than religion...

Step 1: