Sunday, November 13, 2016

Forrest Trump Just Triggered The Madoff Moment

The only reason Trump got elected is because Kim Kardashian wasn't available...

Amidst the adulation for the new groper-in-chief, it apparently slipped the attention of the entire planet that money just got repriced massively higher...

Why? Because the U.S. bond market took one look at Trump's "debt reduction" plan and vomited all over it. This is the same clown who has been warning about U.S. debt levels for two years now...

ZH: Nov. 11, 2016

Global 10 year yields, from bottom Japan, Germany, UK, U.S.:
Don't bother waiting for inauguration...

"Who cares, the Dow is at an all time high?"

The U.S. thirty year bond ETF with Utilities

Consumer staples