Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ponzi 101: Debts Are Fixed. Asset Prices Are Not

We live in a Soylent Idiocracy hellbent on self-destruction. Bloggers are fucking it all up. The lamestream media circus has this covered...

Throughout this abiding charade, one fantasy has remained steadfastly constant - that Central Banks control asset prices. Central Banks don't control asset values - they incentivize debt accumulation which in turn levitates asset prices until they roll over and crash. However, the debts remain steadfastly constant throughout this entire 'discovery' process.

You know you're an optimist when...

U.S. stock market versus Rest of World:

Further to the point, the Central Banks that have expanded their balance sheets most aggressively - Japan, China, and Europe have the weakest stock markets...

Europe and Japan with combined Central Bank assets:

Meanwhile, China's asinine strategy to massively expand monetary stimulus while 'attempting' to maintain a stable currency, is an exercise in abject futility. Any EconoDunce with one semester of Econ should be able to figure that out, but unfortunately we live in happy Denial Land now aka. The Soylent Idiocracy...

Chinese FX reserves (red) with Yuan:

The Yuan with oil:

Who's the marginal consumer of oil?

As long as the largest rising wedge in human history aka. Facebook doesn't roll over and crash, this will all be fine...

"It's a relief to know that at least one stock is holding up this entire fabrication"

NYSE New 52 week highs: