Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Don't Panic The Sheeple @ MAX PONZI RISK

"While the world melted down amid abject poverty and deflation, gamblers sought the safe haven of 350 P/E Amazon"

"It was the ultimate greater tools' market..."

Capital cornered by 0%. There's no way out, except straight down...
Global yields (red). Deflation (blue) with Amazon:

Overnight Risk...

Anyone still gambling in these markets is trusting the People's Bank of China not to continue doing what they've been doing for three months straight. And what they confirmed last week is going to continue...

Chinese Yuan

Also believing that Japan is in control of its currency...

And Europe is in control of its banks and stock market...

Even though they're not...

Oil is catching down to deflation

Campbell's Soup. I mean "safe haven":

"It will be different this time"
