Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Noose Is Tight aka. Denial of Fortune

The longer the Idiocracy gets away with something stupid, the longer they assume it will last. And when it all implodes with extreme dislocation again, they call it a "Black Swan" event...

The VIX (Options implied volatility) is supposed to track the S&P 500, but since 2014 it has been tracking the Global Dow. The shallow downtrend compared to 2008 has made everyone very very complacent...

You know, like this, from club entitlement...
"The rest of the world is fucked, but we're going to be partying like the DotCom era all over again..."

"The stock market appears poised to break out in a big way. Although the charts don’t specify in which direction the breakout will occur, history suggests investors could start preparing to party like it’s 1995."

Really, what could go wrong.

Skynet tried to fugazi my count again...

It's all about 2100, what else...

Ponzi momentum trade #3:
Oil gapped up and then reversed hard down...

Another reversal of fortune...

Look up. Look down. 
Yes, this is the low volatility implosion fund. I feel safer already...