Monday, June 20, 2016

An Inconvenient Deflationary Burial At 0%

The problem with being an entitled buffoon is that you never know when it's all ending...too busy listening to the same liars as last time...

Since June 8th, U.S. stocks have been trading in lockstep with oil, deflation, and global risk...

The oil rally...

Oil peaked on June 8th. That date sounded familiar so I overlaid stocks and oil. Which is which?

The fate of stocks hinges on triple leveraged oil and reddit day traders: "Yo-f*cking-lo!!!"

Deflation is leading oil

Which means, deflation is leading U.S. stocks. Like the last times they didn't learn...

All of which confirms my short-term count...

Volatility of volatility (VVIX) is rising again...

JPY has left the building...