Saturday, June 11, 2016

Generation "Fuck You Jack, I'm Ok"

As long as someone else is getting fucked over, it's all good...

The Idiocracy still hasn't figured out that there's no such thing as *free* money. Apparently they have no idea idea that 0% represents poverty and it's not a buying opportunity. So they spend all of their non-Kardashian waking hours "seeking yield".

They have no clue that yield is seeking them:

Last week saw the worst U.S. jobs report since 2009. This week, Global growth was revised down to the lowest level since 2009. Therefore, global interest rates hit a 500 year low, due to unprecedented global poverty. Global Financials from Japan, Europe, and here in the U.S. were monkey hammered by the collapsing yields. All uber-bullish. Generation Madoff went ALL IN on dumb beta. Because monetizing poverty is a way of life.

U.S. Payrolls

In other words, "no one" sees it coming. Aside from George Soros, world's greatest macro speculator, mocked derisively by the de facto Idiocracy. Because everyone knows that printing money is the secret to effortless wealth. What's really amazing is that no one tried it sooner...

Desperately Seeking Yield:
Dumb beta visualized i.e. the Low volatility implosion fund with USDJPY (aka. China). I'm sure there are no stop losses beneath the trend line, like last time...

3x leveraged oil aka. island reversal of fortune:

Global Dow: FOURTH lower high...