Friday, May 13, 2016

The Dangers of A Demagogue

The problem with demagogues is that they start out appearing to be doing "good" for the country but by the end, not so much...

This chart skewers Trump's assertion that Mexicans are destroying the U.S. economy. Anyone with an IQ greater than five realizes this country would shut down overnight without Hispanics doing the vast majority of shitty jobs. My neighbourhood would have grass eight feet high. Someone who lives in my vicinity once stopped and asked how much I charge, assuming I was Mexican...

Mexico is merely a diversion of course for where the jobs, factories and industries are really flowing, as in here boy, go fetch. Trump stole the Nascar base from the NeoCon party, and now he's using the same brainwashing techniques they used for three decades...

"We don't debase our currency. Much"