Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Skynet's Last Stand: Critical Juncture

May 7, 2016 Northman Trader
This Has Only Happened Twice In 20 Years

"with yet another OPEX period coming bulls likely have again the horn to make magic happen, after all, OPEX retains an almost perfect track record of pre-programmed buying"

"There are exceptions of course. Both Januarys in 2015 and 2016 were OPEX busts and so was August of 2015. If anything August showed how quickly the bid can disappear."

50 week moving average crossover of the 100 week:

The prior two crossovers coincided with declines in quarterly earnings...

Meanwhile, Skynet is trying to crush volatility
This is UVXY (double long VIX) short volume (50 dma):

ZH: May 18, 2016
Someone Is Betting The Market Will Won't Crash

Which confirms the CBOE VIX put/call ratio (50 dma):

Rydex cash balances:

% bearish (AAII survey):

Critical juncture visualized
Russell Small cap (red) with Consumer staples (black):