Sunday, May 29, 2016

Do That To Me One More Time. Twice Is Never Enough...

Only two recent bubbles, and two crashes in the past year, so one can easily understand why the Old Age Home, and their squalid corporate media, are begging for one more lesson...

ZH: May 29, 2016
Here We Go Again: 2100 Can't Hold

2100 has only caused two heavy volume sell-offs in the past year...

S&P monthly price bars with SPY volume lower pane:

I wonder why

2060 (red line) is the crash initiation level, at least it was in August and December...

Cash balances (money market balances) inverted:

This will be the last one...

Watching re-runs in the old age home...

"So let me get this straight, you think this could end badly? That's not what my trusted advisor tells me"

"But we'll let you know when it IS going to crash, so everyone can get out at the exact same time"