Wednesday, April 13, 2016

0% Dow: Human History's Biggest Hustle

Central Banks have created a momentum feedback loop that resembles a pool hall hustle...

PBOC hustle. Check
ECB hustle. Check
BOJ hustle. Check
Fed hustle...

The way a pool hall hustle works is that the con artist lets the mark win over and over again, until he/she gets over-confident and goes ALL IN. At which point the hustler changes the stakes to double or nothing...I think we all see where I'm going with this... 

Skynet is an algorithmic (computer-driven) momentum feedback machine fed by Central Banks and designed to suck as much money in as possible right up to very end. Giving everyone the illusion that this time, the marks have won.

Even though the marks were the easy money chumps all along... playing double or nothing...

Left holding a bag full of worthless stocks...sucked dry by stock buybacks and "labor arbitrage"...

BOJ hustle. Check.