Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fool Me Three Times, Shame On Me...

The Jedi Mind Trick for stunned dunces aka. printing money to buy stocks, is wearing off...

ZH: Jan. 26, 2016

More ECB QE would further strengthen the dollar, further obliterating oil and Emerging Markets, which are now 96% correlated to U.S. stocks...

"Tell, me, what makes you think that QE could lower stocks? What proof do you have of this ludicrous phenomenon you speak of?"

We've seen this movie before, but the Idiocracy, which has the attention span of a coked up flea, forgot the ending. Again...

ZH: Jan. 26, 2016
China Wants To Arrest George Soros for telling the truth, which is strictly illegal in China. And strictly frowned upon in every other country.

Last week, George Soros said China is in a hard landing and the currency is going lower. Since they can't arrest him, their official response was "Ha ha, you're wrong silly man"...

This is NOT a hard landing. Therefore, I could get abducted any minute...

And here in the U.S., China/Emerging Markets and Oil are NOT any risk to U.S. stocks. Says the blind woman aka. Chief Investment Officer at Goldman Sachs...


"The Shanghai index closed below 2,800 for the first time since December 2014. It is now down 47% from its June peak."

"It's a damn good thing, we're decoupled from reality"