Sunday, January 17, 2016


In 2008, the Middle Class went under the bus and have remained there ever since. Yuppies make movies about these things to assure themselves that it was a one time event, that could never happen to them. The lesson was learned. 


"It's a comedy about the crime of the century, a free bailout, and approval to do it all over again..."

Big surprise, Wall Street learned nothing from their free money bailout. The structural damage and deficits have crippled the economy. Corporate America used it as an excuse to outsource the remaining economy...

Goldman's highest profits were before and AFTER the bailout:

Job losses were on an historically unprecedented scale. Each Obama McJob cost $1 million in new debt...

Jobs, year over year change

GDP - Debt:
2008 permanently fucked up the Debt:GDP ratio...

Corporate profits were outsourced to an all time high as the sheeple remained in the fetal position...

Profits indexed to GDP

Household income was set back two decades:

Housing prices are still at decade ago levels...

Housing formation is at 1960s levels despite a U.S. population that has almost doubled in size (blue line):