The American Dream has morphed into the American manic self-delusion, and it's global.
Arc of the Idiocracy visualized aka. printing money as the secret to effortless wealth...
S&P average stock:
Equal weight S&P (red) with cap weighted (black):
Treasury:Junk bond (price) ratio:
U.S. deflation rate (red) with 1 Year Treasury yields (black) (log scale):
Beyond asinine...
S&P % of stocks above 200 day moving average:
Transports (monthly): The blue vertical line shows the last time momentum (MACD) was this bad...
Russell 2000 small cap: Below where it was two years ago...
Price / volume
Leveraged loans
NYSE Composite with internals:
Amazon versus Macy's
aka. "What the fuck were they thinking?"
The exits from the hotel Californication are almost closed...
aka. "What the fuck were they thinking?"
The exits from the hotel Californication are almost closed...
Risk is binary