Sunday, December 6, 2015

Peak Denial: The Dunce Or the One That Follows?

Reality and the truth are the exact opposite of what today's free-lunch-club believes: that they've discovered the secret to effortless wealth, printing money...

This week in Barron's: Which stocks should I buy in a collapse?

Four weeks until the end of the year, and it's white knuckle time for Wall Street. The Dow is exactly flat year to date.

Central Bank chimpanzees assumed that they could levitate the stock market indefinitely while everything fell apart in real-time. Now they're going to have that assumption crammed down their throat. The first rate hike in a decade is pending Dec. 16th, based solely upon hubristic fake-believe. Stoned zombies have no way of knowing the level of risk, since they don't trust anyone who can be trusted...

Beyond asinine:
Only one of these is right about the economy, and we won't have to wait long to find out which one...
Junk bonds (black) with 1 Year Treasuries (red).
Log scale:

Junk bond yields are at August 2008 levels:
With Fed funds rate...

The Dow Jones Illusional Average: 

As fake as the people who believe in it...

One year later:
52 week price range of average S&P stock (red)