Saturday, October 10, 2015

Buried By Lies: Leadership is Already Collapsing

The Idiocracy is in the process of being buried by their favorite game show hosts...

The Republican Party is in total fucking meltdown mode. A net result of trying to maintain the status quo at all cost while at the same time liquidating the status quo for special dividends. Ensuring that billionaires become ever richer, while children go hungry, has exacted its toll on the Joe Kernen set, man-bitch extraordinaire. It's a party that decays with every passing day as more and more geriatrics roll end of life while more and more young people wonder who the hell would ever vote for xenophobic luddites in the first place.

Bill Gates, 2014:
"By almost any measure the world is better than it has ever been"

WaPo Sept. 14, 2015
"Number of homeless students doubled during the 'Recovery'"

The Democrats are much better off, they have the 100 year old Billary Clinton still being investigated for property deals from the 1970s, Benghazi, and now EmailGate. The same "top candidate" who already lost during the 2008 primaries to the current Corporate Manchurian Candidate in office. And Bernie Sanders the dark horse who is looking to drag the political pendulum across the entire spectrum without stopping in the middle.

Regardless of which team is winning the game at the moment, it's all bread and circuses based upon nostalgia for a self-destructing status quo. The chasmic gap between reality and fantasy can't be papered over anymore with colossal lies. This shit show hasn't even fully collapsed yet and there is already a crisis of leadership. What happens when the 1929 partyers realize it's all over? 

The real crisis in leadership is only getting started. When Generation Madoff realizes that the money is already gone and none of their trusted game show hosts can get it back, the underwear will be mighty stained.

The denialists who fear reality finally have good reason.