Saturday, October 3, 2015

Revelations 10:2015

Solvency and sanity hinge on the almighty Dow casino.

Denialism is latent mental illness afflicting the mentally weak and infirm. If you think they're going crazy now, just wait until their colossal lie blows up in their face...

Mass denialism sponsored by monetized poverty. Oct. 2015: 

Daily mass shootings are not "normal". More Prozac won't fix the problem

We can't borrow our way out of a debt crisis

We can't outsource the entire economy and still be wealthy

We can't print money to keep stocks inflated while the economy is outsourced

0% interest rates doesn't fix the economy

We can't "fix" the Middle East

Peak oil has already occurred. Oil is only cheap because the global economy is tanking, and it's only marginally accessible due to 0% capital which is also a function of the economy tanking.

Global poverty is getting far worse instead of better, under Globalization

The consumption-oriented lifestyle is neither scalable nor sustainable

Man-made climate change is in advanced stages

We can't "defeat" terrorism with ever-greater violence

The people desperately clinging to the above delusions can't solve any of the problems, because they are the fucking problem. 

Therefore nothing can improve until all of the widely accepted lies unravel at the same time - all massively leveraged to the Globalized Ponzi scheme aka. Monetized poverty.  

A revelation that hinges on a few more thousand Dow points i.e. "Overnight"

The current state of solvency and sanity visualized:
Dow with 52 week range of average stock