Never Never Land is ending, but the denialists have no clue. How could they, they don't listen to anyone who would tell them...
Everyone thinks that they will get out ahead of everyone else.
While that's not happening, a Black Swan is flying up their ass in broad daylight...because Central Banks won't allow anything bad to happen, like it just did in China...
The painfully stagnant and slow nature of this post-2008 hallucination has inured stoned zombies to its ongoing and relentless decay: the economy's dismemberment in the hands of Mad Men, Corporations, and stooges in government.
The imploding economy couldn't possibly compete for the Idiocracy's attention, against Benghazi, Sendghazi, Iran Deals, Donald Trump, Malaysian airliners, Kim Kardashian's ass, Caitlyn Jenner, ESPN, InstaChat, Porn Selfies, and whatever Oprah had going on at the time...
In the meantime, the Ponzi Cycle arc of Monetary Implosion was following a relentless ballistic trajectory, spending most of its time in the shallow ascent/descent segments of the arc which is what gave the illusion of the indefinite status quo. Lingering in Never Never Land just long enough to allow everyone to leverage themselves 100% to this clusterfuck:
However, as was learned with Fracking, BitCoin, Gold, Oil, Commodities, Chinese Stocks, etc., in all cases, the other side of the mountain was asymetrically abrupt. The false narratives of the day had the shelf life of a rotten banana at the very top.
We are now on the other side of the mountain. Literally:
Value Line Geometric Index:
The Global Carry Trades (w/U.S. interest rates):
Six years at 0% and untold trillions
Damocles' Sword. Subprime x 100
"Well it's a good thing we're not China..."
Shanghai Composite (Red) with Dow (black):
The asymmetric arc of the Idiocracy is already self-evident, amid non-stop lying and denial:
The Fed's Hotel Californication (below) is what makes collapse in broad daylight possible.
Pervasive unfounded moral hazard belief in the omnipotence of Central Banks to bail gamblers out of EVERY situation, no matter how asinine, has allowed the noose to be wrapped as tight as possible for the Black Swan dive into pavement...
The days of rage are closer than anyone can possibly imagine.
They still think that bloggers can be wrong forever, because they assume we've been wrong for six years, all while "this" was all ending.
It ended a long time ago, it was only Etraders throwing away their remaining life savings that kept the casino propped up.
The denialists opted for the quickest and most brutal way for this to all end.
Shanghai surprise.