Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Reality Is A Land Far Far Away

Reality is the enemy of the status quo. Therefore, the Idiocracy doesn't believe in reality. It doesn't apply to them. They are conveniently in denial about every type of risk...

Like a child, the Idiocracy has a part of its brain that isn't formed i.e. the part that gives a shit about anyone else. The future has been conveniently whittled down to "now".

Therefore, the commercialized mass media has turned essentially all "news" if you want to call it that - into a variant of the National Enquirer. There are so many conflicting versions of the same piece of information that it's impossible for the average person to make sense of it all. They are guzzling bullshit from a fire hose, having no clue what's real or not.

And unfortunately, they don't believe in conflict of interest either, which is their real problem. They have no idea when they are being monetized. Like right now.   

The bottom line is that you can't convince the comfort-seekers this is all ending. You can show them charts. You can shove reality up their asses. It would make no difference. They will just come up with some specious reason why reality doesn't apply to them. They can always find some sociopathic disinformer willing to assure them that this time it's different. 

The only hope the Idiocracy has of seeing reality is when they wake up to an account balance that is one quarter of what it used to be.

And not one minute sooner.

And we should accept that inevitable outcome, knowing full well that they have.