Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Silence of the Sheeple: Trapped In Never Never Land

Generation lying psychopath. Has done it again.

They did it again. The usual psychopaths lured the sheeple back to the brink of willing self-obliteration. Just six years after the 60% vertical decline in 2009, they're back at the cliff ready for their Black Swan dive into pavement. Their six year Kardashian hallucination ending right back where it started, amid brick-shitting panic. 

Among other things, such as reality, the Idiocracy doesn't believe in conflict of interest. Everything is for sale, including themselves. 
All at the hands of serial psychopaths. A generation of lying sociopaths who will say anything to get what they want. And best of all with a straight face. They believe what they are saying. They drink their own Kool-Aid.

Psychopath versus Psychopath:
Central Banksters led Wall Street into the abyss as well...
Index (un)hedging: "What, me worry?". 

It's their wholly unfounded sense of self-righteous indignation that gives them the aura of certitude causing the sheeple to fall in love all over again. They say everything with 100% certified buffoonish over-confidence. Because to this denialistic generation, to be anything but loud and over-confident, is a sure sign of "weakness". It might give the other team, an edge in the debate of dumbfucks aka. politics.  

Psychopaths serve a natural purpose: thinning the herd:

The love affair will end this time. Most abruptly.

Those tools talking right now, are history's largest group of assorted psychopaths in human history. ALL OF THEM believe in the indefinite status quo, which is melting in front of their eyes. 

Swan diving straight into the dumpster.

Lid closed for easy collection.

"Everybody stay in the pool" 

"My trusted advisor told me not to worry. The same one who blew me up in 2008"