Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Conspiracy of Dunces: Pretending Is A Full Time Job Now

Contrary to the serial attempts of mental midgets, Fiscal and Monetary policy can't "fix" a 35 year trade deficit. The Walmart generation is as dumb as it is lazy and fake, always looking for a free lunch.

Dunces at large refer to this entire era as "Keynesian economics". Keynes' only mistake was not predicting the rise of the Idiocracy. The combined non-stop use of Monetary and Fiscal "stimulus" to paper over the liquidation of the economy for *special dividends", was never part of his theory. Dedicated fucktards, using antibiotics for 35 years straight, and then proclaiming that they "don't work". 

This entire charade has been compliments of the Grandchildren:

The first non-recovery in U.S. history
i.e. year-over-year change in GDP-Federal debt:

Fed Funds rate (red) with manufacturing jobs (blue). Those low interest rates are really "helping" unemployment...

U.S. debt (blue) with U.S. trade deficit (red):

Corporate profits Indexed to GDP:

Six years into this clusterfuck and the lies just keep getting bigger...