Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Age of Arrogance: A Lethal Addiction To Buffoons

The high school popularity contest never ended. 

Can Greece collapse global markets? Can a match light a stick of dynamite? So what. If a country of 11 million people has already put $200 trillion in global assets into RISK OFF liquidation mode, then that's an approximation for the order of magnitude of Financial Deathstar 2.0, not of the proximity fuse. 

Greece is a fucking side show drawing attention away from the infinitely larger Globalized circus, also known as the beloved almighty consumption-oriented status quo.

The reason why we dick around with these minor issues while the systemic risks grow daily is because we live in the age of arrogant buffoons. An age where the loudest most aggressive people pushed their way to the top by any means necessary. These tools can't manage their way out of a paper bag. They have no fucking clue what they are doing other than to drive the status quo at full speed into the brick wall of reality. When it ends, they will end. They are human call options, they can't fix the problem, they are the fucking problem. Nothing can get better until they bound head first into the dumpster of history.   

The Titanic didn't sink because it hit an iceberg, it sank because it hit an iceberg at full speed. The designers of the Titanic, and subsequent operators, arrogantly believed that it was impervious to rupture. So they took no precaution.

If someone is talking right now, we can assume they are lying about the state of reality, because they take the status quo for granted. They are right now driving the SS Status Quo at full speed through an ice field while engaged in lively debate over which sock puppet should be the next captain of the Titanic. 

The Idiocracy will go straight to the bottom with their beloved vacuous buffoons. 


If they can't even solve Greece, what happens when the shit goes down? Holy fuck. Bernankenstein, dumbfuck 'student of the Depression' will be revealed for what he and all other Central Banksters really are - Wall Street's bukkake whores.

And then the underwear will be mighty soiled indeed.