Today's buffoons speak with certainty about uncertain things, and far worse, speak with uncertainty about certain things - what they call "Black Swan" events. Unfortunately, being an arrogant dumbfuck, is not a rare and unpredictable event.
Far from it...
After Greenspan retired, his role in the subprime housing debacle was shoved down his throat by the exact same people who venerated him just a few years earlier:
After Greenspan retired, his role in the subprime housing debacle was shoved down his throat by the exact same people who venerated him just a few years earlier:
October 23, 2008: New York Times:
"But on Thursday, almost three years after stepping down as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a humbled Mr. Greenspan admitted that he had put too much faith in the self-correcting power of free markets. 'Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders’ equity, myself included, are in a state of shocked disbelief,'”
"Shocked", I tell you: Who knew that giving illegal aliens zero down payment mortgages for $700k McMansions, would be a bad idea?
WSJ: May 3, 2007
Big Banks' Loan Push: Illegal Immigrants
WSJ: May 3, 2007
Big Banks' Loan Push: Illegal Immigrants
"Whoever hits the street first with these loans will be the winner," says Timothy Sandos, president of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals"
The Bush chimp made it to the last year of his second term before it all fell apart like a cheap fucking tent. Seven years of Neocon bullshit was flushed down the toilet instantly.
Today's uber-buffoons dusted off the Bush/Greenspan playbook and raised it to volume '11'. 1% interest rates for three years were taken down to 0% for six years. A doubling in debt, aka. 'Keynesian' corporate stimulus. Profit margins and foodstamps, off the charts.
History will efficiently locate all of them and throw them straight into the fucking dumpster. From hero to zero overnight.
And they will all be as "shocked" as Greenspan.
Because every arrogant moron is forced to realize inevitably, that he's just an arrogant fucking moron.
And in this era, the dumpster will be overflowing.
And in this era, the dumpster will be overflowing.