Historically unprecedented profit margins due to mass outsourcing are only "good" if they are sustainable. In aggregate of course they were never sustainable since they cannibalized revenue aka. the middle class.
We've now reached the very late phase where only massive stock buybacks temporarily buoy prices while insiders exit, leaving the usual bagholders holding a larger share of a dying asset class aka. stocks. 100% ownership of a zero value asset.
We've now reached the very late phase where only massive stock buybacks temporarily buoy prices while insiders exit, leaving the usual bagholders holding a larger share of a dying asset class aka. stocks. 100% ownership of a zero value asset.
Multinational corporations are experiencing declining revenues at the peak of the business cycle with interest rates still not normalized after six years.
The last stage of Globalization.
A mild glimpse into the future:
During 2008, GDP dropped 3%, profits dropped 50% aka. 17:1 leverage:
During 2008, GDP dropped 3%, profits dropped 50% aka. 17:1 leverage:
Corporate profits as % of GDP
The 2008 wake-up call was ignored.