Sunday, April 5, 2015

American Oligarchy

Vote for change. Nothing happens.

We don't live in a democracy, we live in a Fascist Oligarchy run by Corporations at the behest of billionaires
Fatigued voters elected President Obama in 2008 on the basis of "hope and change". A radical break from George W. Bush. and his "Keynesian" stimulus of destroying other nations. When it turned out that Obama was at best incrementally different than Bush, there was widespread disillusionment. He was only re-elected by default when the RomneyBot inadvertently told half the country that they are worthless...

The best puppet government, money can buy
The 2010 Supreme Court "Citizens United" ruling took a corrupt system and put it on steroids. That ruling eliminated the campaign contribution limitations which had been in place for decades. In a two party duopoly with no funding restrictions, corporations in their role as billionaire proxies, can easily buy everyone. Politics is no longer about which candidate represents the best interests of the country, it's merely a binary process of elmination based upon which candidate induces the least amount of vomit. Or, in the case of the Vulture Capitalist RomneyBot, which candidate can wait until AFTER the election to express their disdain for all of the people they laid off. Both candidates can be very bad for the country and still produce an election decision. No surprise, voter turnouts are plummeting relative to historical norms, because voting now is the equivalent to playing a broken slot machine where pulling the handle does absolutely nothing other than waste everyone's time.

The political class is entirely crass and opportunistic. Their honesty and ethics are considered lower than those for used car salesmen. They are the worst people in the country who are not already in jail. None of them think beyond :15 minutes over what is good for the country. No one is thinking long-term. And yet, we live in a society that is so cynical that no one really gives a damn. The sheeple go with the flow as if Rome-level corruption has always been the status quo. 

The surprise will come, when this shit show goes sideways and the game show hosts run out of tricks. There are no good people left in leadership.