"Things have never been better"
Here is Central Planning for Billionaires. The Euro has fallen 24% in one year. The Dax has gained 38% since this past October. European wages are stagnant, unemployment is rampant, import prices have risen 24% in dollar terms. The Middle Class is getting squeezed into oblivion. The oligarchs are making bank.
The biggest bubble on the planet, this side of Spanish Ponzi bonds
The German DAX is up 38% in 100 days. That's 160% compounded annually:
Rate of change (lower pane):
The Euro is at $1.05 to the dollar, down from $1.38 a year ago.
Rate of change (lower pane):
The Euro is at $1.05 to the dollar, down from $1.38 a year ago.
The monetization of the Middle Class continues, in broad daylight. Draghi-nomics, by Goldman Sachs.