Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bragging Billunaires: "Everyone, shut the fuck up"

We live in a world owned and controlled by billionaire oligarchs constantly telling us that everything's just great. This is exactly what we should expect at the hubristic late stages of a Ponzi scheme

The second richest man in the world is the latest clueless out-of-touch tool to tell us just that:

MW: Feb. 28, 2015
"Who has ever benefited during the past 238 years by betting against America? If you compare our country’s present condition to that existing in 1776, you have to rub your eyes in wonder"
[That part is true - the Founding Fathers would be shitting bricks right now]

"In my lifetime alone, real per-capita U.S. output has sextupled."
[Debt-adjusted that's total bullshit, and meanwhile it was all skewed to the top 10%]

"Though the preachers of pessimism prattle endlessly about America’s problems, I’ve never seen one who wishes to emigrate"

"Quit bitching. I've never been richer"
Berkshire @$220,000 per share. If you sell your house you can buy one share (or two):

Berkshire with Fed balance sheet (red line) (95% correlation, lower pane). As I was saying, the ingredients of success are clearly: luck, skill, effort. Skill and effort left the building a long time ago. This is all compliments of a debased money supply:

From American Dream to American Lottery
It's "our" fault this is happening. Too many morons still think they are going to be the next Bill Gates. Too many Americans think that it's only a matter of time until they strike it rich and join the ranks of the ever-richer, ever-fewer elite. When in fact, it's exactly the opposite - the economy has become a zero sum game between the wealthy and everyone else. So the odds of making it rich are the limit approaching impossible. The American Dream has turned into the American Lottery.

In the meantime, our grotesquely wealthy slave masters will continue to tell us to quit bitching and suck it up. Which everyone does, while envying the lifestyles of the rich and shameless.

2008 only flushed out one Bernie Madoff. This time we'll flush out the rest.