Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The House Always Wins

Wall Street is monetizing the last few gamblers
This is the NYSE - not the NYSE composite index - the actual holding company that owns the New York Stock exchange:

This is the Nasdaq holding company

I think we all see where I'm going with this...

Wall Street is run by and for Bernie Madoffs
People will be surprised to learn (again) that the stock market doesn't have any "money". At best it offers the next willing dumbfuck eager to throw their money away on overpriced garbage that's been leveraged to historic maximums by special dividends and stock buybacks. i.e. the money has already been shipped to the Caymans.

The monetization process is already well underway:
Up volume as a ratio of down volume

Skynet: From Russia With Love
Price range of average S&P stock:

Like everything else around here, the Toronto Stock Exchange internals have in no way improved:

The Middle East is ready to roll over again

Growth versus Value

Transports as a ratio of Energy stocks
Low oil, good. No economy, bad.

"Dude, where's the economy?"

Marine shipping stocks

Heavy Construction