Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Harvard Risk: Deep Impact

Could they really be that stupid? The absolutely critical yet unasked question.
Most people don't realize this is all ending because they just ASSUME that people from Harvard are extremely intelligent. Most people would never question someone from Harvard (or any other Ivy League school)'s assertions that we can borrow our way out of a debt crisis under the thoroughly bastardized auspice of "Keynesian economics". Leave aside that John Maynard Keynes in his wildest nightmares never envisioned the "Lockheed Martin" economic multiplier as employed by the Neo-Consian continuous warfare state, financed with printed money. As we see below, Keynes' big mistake was not foreseeing the rise of the Idiocracy:

Real Federal Debt: 
During the Keynesian era, fiscal stimulus was counter-cyclical. In the post-Reagan Supply-Side Ponzinomic era, fiscal deficits grew continuously:

Where was I...
And most people apparently wouldn't question whether or not 0% interest rates could succeed where 1% interest rates failed catastrophically. Nor would they ever think to question whether or not it makes sense to pump trillions of newly printed hot money into the stock market and lent overseas to Third World nations at 50:1 leverage. All to fix the damage wrought by subprime. And all to cover up economic Shock Doctrine on a scale that would make Pinochet and Friedman blush. 

The question never got asked, because people just assumed the answer was "no". No one could be that fucking stupid.

Even after Greenspan inflated and then collapsed the Housing Bubble in a five year period - wiping out millions of people - aided and abetted by Wall Street psychopaths - he got a free pass:

"He suffered a remarkable fall from grace after leaving office and has apologized for trusting big banks too much. He has since gone back and re-examined his views on the economy."

Re-examined his fucking views on the economy? Who can write that with a straight face? And when did Harvard et al. re-examine their views on the "economy?". 

Yes, they really ARE that stupid. And yes, this is all going to end with extreme fucking dislocation. Just like last time, except for good. There'll be no dumpster-diving for dumbfucks and their asinine ideas, this time around.