Thursday, November 6, 2014

Out of the Pan Into the Fire

As a first step to repay their loyal voters, Republicans will now repeal Obamacare so their unemployed constituents can more easily bankrupt themselves on medical bills...

Without Obamacare, anyone without a full time job will likely be left without medical insurance - including entire families and children. In the U.S., obtaining individual medical insurance is extremely expensive and in many cases impossible, with a pre-existing condition. Insurance companies don't want to insure individual families, due to the problem of "adverse selection" i.e. sick people seek insurance more than healthy people. Not to mention that individual health coverage is prohibitively expensive (prior to Obamacare).

Taken in combination with the highest number of part time jobs in recent history and it's all a massive recipe for disaster. For the next two years, Obama can veto any efforts to repeal Obamacare, but after the next Presidential election who knows what will happen. 

These McJobs Don't Come With Benefits
This is the Obama "Recovery" with respect to part-time jobs
As we see, this past six years has by no means been a "normal" recovery w/respect to full time jobs

Long-term unemployed = long-term no health insurance
Another ludicrous "divergence" from the historical norm

In Summary
The country club shipped the majority of good jobs and industries to the Third World to amplify profits. Next, they invented subprime loans to give the middle class fake "spending power", which led to mass bankruptcy and foreclosures. Then the psychopaths took a massive taxpayer-funded bailout to repay their bets against the middle class, 100 cents on the dollar. Then they cut foodstamp aid twice for impoverished families. And now they will eliminate medical coverage for families with the lowest incomes during the worst "recovery" in full time jobs, ever.

These Red States (Republican), many of which have the lowest wages in the country, just voted against Obamacare:

No bailouts: 
Collapsing this ponzi scheme will get everyone on the same "page" finally. After all, the country club would never let their children go without healthcare.