Corporations maximizing profits by spreading disease
And pharmaceutical dependency to finish the job
And pharmaceutical dependency to finish the job
1) Microwave Popcorn:
- A chemically manufactured food-like-product
- Linked to infertility in women
- Massive amounts of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, several banned in Europe
- Linked to reproductive problems (I don't like where this is going)
- Apples worst, then oranges, strawberries, grapes (don't oranges have peels?)
3) Canned tomatoes
- extremely high acidity and associated leeching of chemical BPA found in all canned foods
4) Processed meats
- spam, tubed meats etc.
- no surprise here, really
5) Farmed salmon
- i.e. the kind served at almost every restaurant
- chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, carcinogens
- high levels of mercury and cancer causing dioxins
- That and the fact that the fish are in pens and swimming around in their own feces
6) Potato chips
- trans fats, excessive salt
7) Hydrogenated oils/trans fats
8) Highly salted, pickled or smoked foods
[These have been eaten for thousands of years, so moderation is key]
9) White flour
- Move along, nothing new here...
10) GMOs
Study (on rats): damaged immune systems, pre-cancerous cells, smaller brains and livers
It was a 10 day study.
11) Refined Sugars
- See every diet book written in the past 10 years...
12) Artificial sweeteners
- Brain tumors
13) "Diet" frankenfood aka. food-like-product
14) Booze
- Ok, in moderation
- Second leading cause of cancer
- "excessive use" associated with cancer
15) Red meat
- Breast, prostate and colon cancer
- Grass fed beef is good
- Moderation
16) Soda pop aka. childhood diabesity
My comment: Will end up killing more young people than booze, cigarettes, and crack combined.
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