Thursday, September 25, 2014

Globalization's Massive Lie and Massive Failure

Gates: "Now, most people live in countries that are middle income"

We live and die by the lies we keep...

22,000 children die on average every day from poverty

More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where income differentials are widening
[This just in: We may as well call that 100% after the events of 2008 (ex-billionaires of course)]

The wealthiest nations, with 20% of the world's population consume 13x more resources per capita than the poorest 80%:

Data above from: 

The 13:1 ratio proves that Globalization is merely a massive Ponzi Scheme intended to extract resources and slave labour from the developing nations. The model is neither sustainable nor scalable. 

Like all Ponzi Schemes, this one will collapse suddenly and violently. 2008 was the wake up call. Those who hit snooze for five years are in for a rude awakening.