Sunday, September 7, 2014

Expertly Refuting Reality

Denialism as self-appointed extinction
When the brain gets too soft for reality, there's only one place to turn:

Infinite Third World exploitation
Borrowing out of a debt crisis
Printing money to buy stocks
Wasting trillions, and destroying entire nations while Neo Con artists fiddle fuck around in the Middle East
Corporations using Shock Doctrine to mass outsource jobs post 9/11 and post-2008
Incentivizing Wall Street to create new and deadlier WMDs
Subsidizing terrorism to gain access to cheap oil, as drought and plague go biblical
Sovereign Ponzi Bonds yielding 2% interest
Charging people to save money
Stock buybacks and leveraged dividends at the expense of real economic growth

"Business as Usual" in the new Sodom and Gomorrah