Sunday, September 14, 2014

An Extinction Level Event for A Profoundly Fucked Up Society

First, the developed world turned its back on "the others", exploiting them as disposable iGadget slaves. Eventually the U.S. middle class went under the bus, double-stuffed with subprime and cheap debt. Then this amoral Idiocracy actually bailed out the very same psychopaths who bankrupted them. After which the country club "repaid" the bailout by outsourcing the middle class. Are you fucking kidding me?

Now, the entire shit show has just repeated itself in a mere six years using Shock Doctrine principles. And yet no one questions it:  The media, the politicians, the billionaires, the "elites", the "academics", the former middle class, the working class all deaf mute on this mass corruption. Where are the "religious leaders", in this day and age? Occupy Wall Street questioned this disaster and were laughed into oblivion, by nothing more than an infantile, crass, South Park-educated Idiocracy incapable of recognizing its own interests. 

At this very moment, 85 billionaires have as much wealth as half the human population
Meanwhile, the net wealth of the average American family has been monkey hammered back two decades. This (below) is the net wealth of families that have assets, this doesn't include the tens of millions who have zero assets and instead have negative net worth and are functionally bankrupt. And yet this stoned cold vacuous Idiocracy from CNN to Faux News and all points in between, doesn't question anything. 

That's the story of this time: 
The middle class sold itself into slavery to enrich a handful of plutocrats. 
But just remember, "By almost any measure, my world is better than it has ever been". 

Skepticism is critical to survival. Mass cynicism is prelude to annihilation.

Using the data from page 40 and 41, below is a graph I generated, showing the skew of wealth towards the top percentiles (i.e. mean wealth as a multiple of median wealth). Trended higher until 2007 and then massive leap higher: