Saturday, August 30, 2014

(Desperate) Saudi potentate warns of terrorist threat from Islamic State

"And then, the wealthiest regional governor requested assistance defending the empire's energy sources, from barbarians"

- King Abdullah

“It is unconscionable to let the country become an American colony with American soldiers for no reason other than protecting your throne and protecting oil sources for their own use. These infidel Crusaders must not be allowed to remain in the Holy Land. You have brought to our people the two worst calamities, blasphemy and poverty.”
[Osama Bin Laden, open letter to King Fahd, 1995]

If I'm not mistaken, a lot of these jihadis came from Europe in the first place. Therefore I am certain that before they attack Europe or the U.S., they will reach Saudi Arabia and make good on Bin Laden's original goal.