"This is the consideration that must be decisive in judging questions of colonial policy. European officials, troops, and police must remain in these areas, as far as their presence is necessary in order to maintain the legal and political conditions required to insure the participation of the colonial territories in international trade." - Ludwig Von Mises
If the following alternating terminology of "liberal" and "conservative" is confusing, it's because it's meant to be. This entire topic comes down to the use of military force to ensure unfettered access to local markets by large corporations. Everything else around this topic is 100% specious pseudo-academic bullshit...
I just read this naive article called "Lies for Empire", refuting the Neocon ideal that:
“Liberal imperialism is not directed toward gratuitous conquest but toward maintaining a global environment conducive to liberalism.”
Which ironically is exactly what Ludwig Von Mises is asserting in the above quote which is from the primary source article below:
The American Conservative: Why Liberalism Means Empire
Which ironically is exactly what Ludwig Von Mises is asserting in the above quote which is from the primary source article below:
The American Conservative: Why Liberalism Means Empire
We all agree with the author that empire as a means of spreading "liberal values" is a total disaster. So then the article goes on to explain that the various blunders have done more harm than good. So far, so good, I think that's fairly evident. However, unfortunately, at no time does this author mention the real reason why Empire must exist, which is to protect and ensure local market access for global multinational corporations. It's a quid pro quo. Protect the local dictators and in return guarantee that Walmart and Starbucks can come in and annihilate every local business. Of course, we're all sold this fanciful notion that military might is used to "spread freedom" and universal values. Once again, this isn't rocket science. The very thin veneer of Neocon "intellectualism" falls apart rather quickly when tallying up the 50 year costs of American interventionism in terms of economic carnage, displaced civilians, massive U.S. deficits and broken veterans. It's just been one lie after another.
Supply Side Ponzinomics has destroyed entire countries and regions
Central America and Mexico are case in point. Today's right wing nut jobs are up in arms over the exodus of children from war torn Central America. Apparently they are in total denial with respect to their own country's hideous history of supporting some of the the worst dictators in modern history, all to ensure access to local markets for large multinational corporations. The term "Banana Republic" arose due to Chiquita Brands' long-standing outsized influence in Central American affairs, including working with the CIA to orchestrate several coups of people-friendly "socialist" governments. But we need not expect the South Park/Faux News generation to know anything about that, after all, history has been officially deleted and replaced by "Pawnography".
Only the dumbest of dumbfucks believes that carrier groups exist to promote "universal values". The second order dumbfucks actually believe that global military force exists to protect Mubarak and the Saudi Royal family. Puppet governments are named as such for a reason. The empire installs who it wants running the local country and when they fall out of line, the empire "corrects" the problem. Aircraft carriers exist to protect Exxon Mobil and Walmart and the rest of the Fortune 500. This isn't rocket science, no book or PhD is necessary. Any amount of higher education is used merely as a sophisticated means of deception.
White Man's Burden: Protect the natives from rejecting exploitation
From the exact same article cited by the author, this quote from Ludwig Von Mises can be found:
"This is the consideration that must be decisive in judging questions of colonial policy. European officials, troops, and police must remain in these areas, as far as their presence is necessary in order to maintain the legal and political conditions required to insure the participation of the colonial territories in international trade." - Ludwig Von Mises
Who needs lies, when the truth is staring us right in the face?
White Man's Burden: Protect the natives from rejecting exploitation
From the exact same article cited by the author, this quote from Ludwig Von Mises can be found:
"This is the consideration that must be decisive in judging questions of colonial policy. European officials, troops, and police must remain in these areas, as far as their presence is necessary in order to maintain the legal and political conditions required to insure the participation of the colonial territories in international trade." - Ludwig Von Mises
Who needs lies, when the truth is staring us right in the face?
The Era of "Rational Self-Indulgence"
If the Libertarian movement has devolved into selling a new form of lies to cover up the old ones, you can count me out. I'm not interested in giving Multinational corporations a free pass for their overriding role in this latent clusterfuck - all under the infantile auspice that "greed is good". When this all comes crashing down out of the clear blue sky, the boy-men advancing these jackass theories, will be at just as much of a loss for workable solutions as everyone else. I'm not interested in any "movement" that needs to hide half of the facts just to advance its agenda.