Monday, May 5, 2014

Welcome to Dumbfuckistan

Where Artificial Intelligence is the Only Kind
The economy and the Malaysian airliner were both going to China and now they are both missing. Coincidence? I don't think so...The dumbfucked search for both continues, while everything else implodes in the background...

Welcome to Dumbfrackistan
According to the United States Geological Survey, in just the past 6 months, the number of 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in Oklahoma has increased 183-fold on an annualized basis and "the increase is DUE IN PART to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking" 

I don't know, has it? I think we should gather more evidence to ensure that we placate every 350 pound Faux-News-watching denialist struggling to get his fat ass into his SUV...

Here is some evidence. More will be forthcoming, we know that much for certain, after all, we're only halfway through the year...

The Soylent Idiocracy: Euthanizing the Masses With Spectacle
Artificial Intelligence is on full display in the Media, Politics, Business and Economics: